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Kidz Church At Home Experience via Email

Grace Church

11:00 am

Grace Church


Grace Church

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November 15, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 11:30 am

Grace Kidz Church for 5-12 year olds invites your children to an interactive video experience; straight to your email inbox each Sunday around 11am.
Kidz Church Pastors, Alan and Charlene Murray, will be right in your living room talking with and encouraging your children with a video experience and downloadable activity sheets for them to complete and enjoy.
To register for this At Home Kidz Church Experience, please send us an email with your child or children’s names to kidzchurch@graceireland.ie
Each week the videos present Jesus-centered, Bible-based teaching. Material that is relevant to practical living and empowers children. To lead and impact in every sphere of life. Believing in a big God and making a big difference.
You can also stay connected with us and our parent’s community via our Facebook page Grace Kidz Church Cork
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